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Privacy Policy

Collecting, processing and use of your personal data

Mark Warner strives to be transparent about how we collect and use your personal information.

We are the data controller of all personal data which we collect from you. Our registered address is

Mark Warner Limited
Broadway Studios
20 Hammersmith Broadway
United Kingdom
W6 7AF

We are registered as a company in England and Wales under company number 2434787. We control the ways your personal data is collected and the purposes for which your personal data is used.
Here we describe the privacy policy for our website and communications, as well as how we collect, store and use your data.

Personal data

What personal data we collect

In order to process your booking, we need to collect certain personal details from you. These details will include, where applicable, the names and addresses of party members, credit/ debit card or other payment details and special requirements such as those relating to any disability or medical condition which may affect the chosen holiday arrangements and any dietary restrictions which may disclose your religious beliefs. If we need any other personal details, we will tell you before we obtain them from you.

How we use your personal data

We can only use your personal data for the reasons below;
  1. To fulfil a contract we have with you
  2. If we have a legal duty to use your data for a particular reason
  3. When you consent to it
  4. When it is in our legitimate interests (our business or commercial reasons for using your data)
We use the information we collect for the following purposes;
  • To provide you with information related to your booking, a quote, or other information you may have requested.
  • To process and complete your booking and to carry out our obligations that may arise in connection with any contracts entered into between you and us, or between you and a third-party supplier.
  • To notify you about changes to our services or your booking.
  • To send you marketing communication such as emails and brochures, but only if you have opted in to receive this communication.

Do you share my data with other companies?

We may need to pass on your personal data to the companies and organisations who need to know them so that your holiday can be provided (for example your airline, hotel, other supplier, credit/debit card company or bank). Your data will not be supplied to other third parties unless you have given express consent for us to do so. Third party offers will only be sent to you if you have opted-in to receive such communications at the point of supplying your personal information such as entering an online competition.

Feefo feedback emails

Your feedback is very important and helps us to deliver the best in terms of our product and service. When you book a holiday with us, we will ask you to provide feedback on your booking experience and also to provide a review of your holiday when you return. If you want to stop receiving emails from Feefo at any time you can unsubscribe using the ‘unsubscribe’ link in any Feefo emails.
Our feedback emails come directly from Feefo, an independent review platform. All your responses will be made available publicly on the Feefo website and your holiday reviews will appear on the Mark Warner website. You can choose to make your reviews anonymous so that only Mark Warner will know who you are. It is the policy of Feefo not to distribute any information for any reason that users have not specifically made public.

How long will my personal data be stored?

We will only retain personal data for as long as is necessary for the purposes we are using it for. How long we retain data will vary depending on the purposes it is used for.

Your rights regarding your personal data

  • You are entitled to access your personal data held by us at any time. 
  • You have the right to request that we amend any personal data which is incorrect or requires updating.
  • You have the right to request that we delete any personal data held by us.
On receipt of any of the above requests, we will endeavour to respond to you as soon as possible, at most within one calendar month.

Marketing communication


We will regularly send you marketing communication by email if you have opted in to receive Mark Warner emails. Our marketing emails include news, information and special offers that we believe may be of interest to you.
If you want to stop receiving emails from us at any time you can unsubscribe using the ‘unsubscribe’ link at the bottom of any of our emails.
You will still receive service/transactional emails which are necessary for example to confirm your booking or to update you on the status of your holiday.


If you sign up to receive Mark Warner brochures through the post, we will continue to send you our brochures.
We may also send other communication through the post including news, information and special offers that we believe may be of interest to you. If you want to stop receiving brochures or other communication through the post, please contact us and we will update your preferences.
We will also ask you to confirm your communication preferences when you make a booking with us over the phone.

Email disclaimer

Legally privileged/Confidential Information or information otherwise protected from disclosure may be contained in Mark Warner emails. Any emails sent from a Mark Warner email address are intended solely for the person or entity to which it is addressed. Any review, retransmission, dissemination or other use of, or taking of any action in reliance upon, the information in emails by persons or entities other than the intended recipients is strictly prohibited and may be unlawful. If you are not the addressee(s) legally indicated in messages (or responsible for delivery of the message to such person), you may not copy or deliver messages to anyone. In such case, you should destroy this message, and notify us immediately. Opinions, conclusions and other information expressed in this message are not given or endorsed by Mark Warner unless otherwise indicated by an authorised representative independent of this message. Please note that, though we scan all messages for known viruses, neither Mark Warner nor the sender of this message accept any responsibility for viruses and it is your responsibility to scan attachments (if any).

Cookie Policy

Last updated: 22 August 2022

View our Cookie Policy (PDF)
We use cookies to help us improve your overall website experience. A cookie is a text file containing small amounts of data which are downloaded to your computer, tablet or mobile device when you visit a website. To better understand your use of the MarkWarner.co.uk website, we work with third-party cookie providers including Google Analytics, Google Adwords, Facebook and Affiliate Window who place cookies on your computer to collect information on our behalf. When you visit MarkWarner.co.uk, a cookie containing a value that uniquely identifies you to MarkWarner.co.uk is sent to your browser and stored on your computer's hard drive. None of your secure information, such as credit card and payment details or password, is collected by these cookies.

These cookies may track things such as how long you spend on our website and the pages you visit, as well as help us understand how you got to our website. We use cookies to measure the effectiveness of our advertising and to personalise content and ads.

All information collected by these cookies is sent to MarkWarner.co.uk by a secure connection. These third party providers are prohibited from using our data for any other purposes. All information will be retained as long as necessary.

You can accept or decline cookies at any time by accessing the preference panels from your browser’s main menu (usually found under ‘Tools’ or ‘Options’). More information about cookies and how they work can be found on www.allaboutcookies.org.

If you have questions about the information that we hold or our Privacy & Cookie Policy please contact Customer Services by email using customerservices@markwarner.co.uk.